Frank L. Cole came to our school today. He is the author of the Hashbrown Winters series. We were very privileged to listen to him speak about being an author. He was entertaining and funny and encouraged us all to use our imaginations everyday!
Here were some of the questions that 1st-3rd graders had for Mr. Cole...
"What is your favorite color?"
"What is your second favorite color?"
"What year where you born?"
"How do you get the ideas for your characters?"
-I get a lot of the ideas for characters from my real life. I take people that I know and turn them into characters in my books.
"What's your favorite book?"
-I have lots of favorites, but if I had to pick one it would be Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I read it in one day!
"How long did it take you to write your fist book?"
-It took me FIVE years!!! But the next couple I wrote in only a couple of months.
"If you had a favorite number from 1 to infinity, what would it be?"
-I think the number infinity.
You can learn more about Frank Cole on his blog...